Ben Coleman’s

“Make It Real” writing workshops 


learn stuff make it real writing classes with ben coleman

Ben Coleman’s “Make It Real” writing workshops
can help both aspiring authors and published superstars.


The name of the game is to tell Fascinating Tales that ring true, capture the reader’s attention and have them begging for more! But if your words don’t ring true, if what you have your hero or villain do isn’t physically possible then you will lose your reader.

Now you download one or all of the writing workshops plus get time with Ben Coleman in a private facebook group. What you will walk away with is knowledge and skill to make your scenes more convincing.



They are self-paced and downloadable so you don’t have to worry about missing a module. 

Each workshop consists of 4 video classes about 10 minutes long and a workbook. As well as two 10 minute online meetings with Ben to brainstorm ideas and critique your work from the workshop.

Special Black Friday Pricing – $19.95

Order before December 13th 

realistic dialogue writer's workshop

The writing workshop REALISTIC DIALOGUE will teach you how to make your dialogue ring true to you and your readers. [wp_cart_button name=”REALISTIC DIALOGUE” price=”19.95″]

weapons, warfare, make it real and believable a workshop for writers

Writing a gunfight, how real people die, and what it’s like to be shot. You will learn how to make weapons and warfare real. [wp_cart_button name=”weapons warfare” price=”19.95″]

how the real world fights monsters a new writer's workshop by ben coleman

The “How The Real World Fights Monsters” will teach you how make fighting scenes between magical creatures and humans ring true. [wp_cart_button name=”How The Real World Fights Monsters” price=”19.95″]


  • Writing the ALPHA MALE

  • Beta Males and the importance of their characters in a story

  • Idea Generation

  • Build the Journey

  • Dealing with Frustration and writer’s block

  • Love, Lust and the Sex Scene

  • Creating a Villain

  • Creating Obstacles