Special Offer

Brutally Honest Manuscript Critique
If you want to be a successful writer then you need to know if your work is any good.
It’s nice that your mom likes your work, it’s cute that your girlfriend/boyfriend thinks you are brilliant but will your story hold a reader’s attention, make them feel involved, like the characters?
Readers will only give you a page, maybe two to grab their interest. If they could care less about your characters, if they don’t understand what’s happening, or are just bored they’ll put your book down and never pick it up again.
If you’re looking to be a better writer then you need an honest critique No sugarcoating, no punches pulled. Just honest critique and suggestions on how to tighten up your story, give characters more depth, and make your reader beg for more.
I will point out signs of weak writing, repetition, and provide tips on how to improve your story and you as a writer. I don’t format, correct spelling, or grammar that is not what this is about. It’s about making your book tight and able to hold the reader’s interest.
Brutally Honest Manuscript Critique
Brutally Honest Manuscript Critique
This is a manuscript review (Up to 10,000 words 12 point double spaced).
I’ll read through your package to identify major problems, boring parts that need trimming, conclusions that can be made stronger, suggestions for rewrites, plot improvements, and problems.
Then I will create a report that includes:
- comments on your story arc and structural analysis, rewriting sentences, and improving word choice, organization, plotting, and pacing.
- suggestions on how to make your dialogue stronger, the action tighter, and the characters more believable.
- for anything that can’t be easily fixed, I will include suggestions for a rewrite.
Regular pricing $500
Special Pricing $350