History is more than words

I am Ben Coleman, Navy veteran, historian, and author.

History is the story of us. It is raw with emotion. It narratives speak of love and war, guilt and power. Whether you like history or not, there’s no denying the impact it leaves on us, on society, on the future. 

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Commentary: Emerging Darkness

Commentary: Emerging Darkness

Emerging Darkness Artistically speaking, why the Freemasons? So, from an artist’s perspective, why did I pick the Freemasons? Historically speaking, they had a hand in  the formation of the United States by taking a strong hand in resisting the British tyranny and...

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Single Mothers

Single Mothers

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes, from all walks of life. Heroes aren't just people who have seen combat. A hero is someone that sets a phenomenal, who has overcome incredible odds. A hero is a person who has untiringly put service to their fellow man above their...

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Emeregd from darkness best selling authorA swashbuckling steampunk set in the American Revolution 1776. Freemasons led by Captain John Paul Jones launch a secret mission to the Lost Mines of Solomon. 

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